Hey friends! As you may already know, or just to serve as a reminder, today is National Day of Prayer.
And if you don’t already, what a great time to start a routine to pray together as a family. It’s never too late to make this a part of your day and you’re sure to be blessed by it!
For our family, it’s how we end the day with our children, even though they are now mostly grown. Developing this habit has become a memorable and special part of life for us. Usually we include a devotion or something that the Lord has pointed out that day. It’s an informal time for us, and more times than not our gathering begins with swapping some laughs, all piled in our bedroom. My daughter’s poodle Navi is so accustomed to the routine that she oftentimes arrives in our room before we do where we find her at the foot of our bed wagging her tail. She is so funny about this! But one of the dearest memories that I will always store in my heart is my youngest daughter’s after prayer routine of going around the room giving us all goodnight hugs, and yes, even Navi gets a hug and has developed a remarkable ability to stand up on her back legs and literally return the hug.
And speaking of hugs, since I just used that word three times in one sentence :), hugs to you and I hope that you are enjoying spring! The air is so sweet in our neck of the woods right now that I can hardly stay indoors!