For the past seven or so years, each Valentine’s Day, I have been giving a party for our homeschool group.
I just had the best time this year planning the decorations!
In the process, I got addicted to little vintage valentines. (…Sending a big thanks to all of you who share them with us!)
I planned, tweaked, and played for a month and when the day arrived,
there was a good deal of packing and transporting to do.
I’ve made it a tradition to give the party at a beautiful carousel house, and we have built many memories there as we create a special time for the homeschool families. Young kids, teens, parents, and even some grandparents attend, and I am so glad!
They rode the carousel until everyone must have been plenty dizzy, and then it was time to stop for fellowship and sweets. I delegate the goodie bringing to the parents, and there were lots of wonderful looking treats!
The crowd seems to grow each year, and this year was no exception. One of the dads did a head count for me, and he counted 104 – that was a very good turn out!
After everyone’s sweet toothies were all happy,
it was time to start lining up for a few more rides.
Finishing off, the kids collected their decorated boxes and bags full of valentines and chose cotton candy or popcorn to go. I snapped a few more blurry pictures in the dim lighting ;),
and it was then time to leave for home. Well, not quite time for us. After cleaning up we were famished from all our busyness, so fast food was in order…KFC for one…Taco Bell for others…Sonic…Are we the only ones that do the multiple drive-thru thing?
How was your Valentine’s Day?